Physiotherapy Exercises For Lower Back Pain

/Physiotherapy Exercises For Lower Back Pain
Physiotherapy Exercises For Lower Back Pain2018-08-30T08:34:10+00:00

Lower Back Physio

Physiotherapy is a necessary intervention to rehabilitate most injuries, including those that affect the muscles of the lower back and the gluteus maximus, which is located behind the hip joint. A physiotherapist will probably recommend performing a series of stretching exercises after an injury to restore flexibility and normal range of motion. Follow their advice perfectly and consult your doctor if you experience any discomfort.

Toorak Physio

Lumbar stretch with squat

The lumbar stretch with a squat works the erector muscle of the spine and the deep muscles on each side of the spine that work to extend and hyper-extend your torso. Stand at the distance of your arms in front of a bar at your waist. Next, make a squat as low as possible, holding the bar. Drop your head between your arms and bend your spine forward until you feel a gentle stretch in the lower back. Hold this position for 10 to 30 seconds, relax briefly and repeat the exercise. Try to stretch a little more in each repetition.

Stretching on hands and knees

Perform the stretches on hands and knees to stretch the muscles of the lower back during the same period of time that you sustained the lumbar stretch with a squat: 10 to 30 seconds. Stand on the floor in a crawling position, supporting yourself with your palms and knees, your palms should be directly below your shoulders and your knees below the hip. Without separating your hands from the floor, move the body backwards to rest on your legs and arch your spine while placing your head in your arms. Now move your torso forward at the same time you lie face down on the floor and curl your back up resting on your hands and your belly. Continue repeating these movements as many times as you wish.

Gluteal stretch in standing position

The gluteus stretching in the standing position is a static posture that works the gluteus maximus together with the tendons of the legs and the hip joint. Stand with your back against a wall and your feet 15 or 20 centimeters from the base. Lift your injured leg and flex your knee, moving it towards the chest. Pull the front of the knee with both hands to increase the stretch, and hold it for at least 10 seconds. Repeat the exercise with the other leg to promote muscle balance.

Gluteal stretch in sitting position

The gluteus stretching in the sitting position works the gluteus maximus and the other two muscles: the gluteus medius and the gluteus minimus. Ride a flat bench, lift your leg, bend your knee and place the outside and bottom of your leg on the bench as close to your body as possible. Lean forward at the waist until you can feel a slight stretch through your buttocks and hold the posture for 10 seconds or more. You can also do the stretch dynamically by moving back and forth on your bent leg.

Choose the best physiotherapist Melbourne today to help you with this lower back exercises.