Glen Iris Physiotherapy

/Glen Iris Physiotherapy
Glen Iris Physiotherapy2019-03-21T02:54:02+00:00

Physio Glen Iris


Suffering from chronic discomfort? Is an old injury flaring up? Can’t go about your normal routine without wincing in pain?

Your pain might not feel too bad now. You might convince yourself that you can power through. But the longer it goes without treatment, the greater risk of future injury and of permanent, ongoing pain.

Fortunately, a Glen Iris physio can help! Combining a wealth of knowledge and experience with practical, proven methods, Ben Demase from Physio AUS will get you back to where you should be: happy and 100% pain-free!

Physioteraphy Locations

Who benefits from our Glen Iris physio?


Who benefits from our Glen Iris physio?


Athletes and manual labourers are some of the most common clients your Glen Iris physio treats. The physical nature of the work lends itself to injury.

If you work as a labourer or spend a lot of time at the gym, but work or training is being inhibited by pain, get in touch with Physio AUS.

We can treat pain in your:

  • Head and neck areas
  • Shoulders and back
  • Elbows and arms
  • Knees and ankles
  • Hips and lower back

Desk job workers


Musculoskeletal problems don’t just affect people who spend a lot of their time on their feet. Those of us that don’t regularly exercise and work a desk job can still fall victim to these issues.

For instance, did you know that 16% of Australians suffer from back pain? Additionally, it’s estimated that up to 90% of the population will suffer lower back pain and some point in their lives!

Many of these cases relate to those who undertake physically demanding jobs. However, poor posture and sedentary work means that a large number of them are from working professionals!

Searching for a physiotherapist near Glen Iris?


Pain doesn’t discriminate. Whether you’re a desk jockey, labourer, athlete, or everyday mum or dad, it’s not unlikely that you’ve experienced debilitating back pain at some point in your life.

Our experienced physios can prescribe treatments for all sorts of pain. No matter the source of your pain or your lifestyle, you can feel confident you won’t have to live with pain for much longer.

Call your local Glen Iris physiotherapist today on 1300 392 552, or book your consultation using our convenient online system.

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